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  • 時間: 2018年7月27(週五)傍晚至29日(週日)午後。

  • 地點:University of Arizona-Biosphere2 (32540 S. Biosphere Road, Oracle, AZ85623)

  • 主題:為主贏得下一代 成人講員:黃力夫 青少年講員 Youth Speaker: Larry Lee 兒童講員 Children Speakers: Jason Nelsestuen 嬰幼兒教導看顧:教會弟兄姐妹


1.遠離塵囂上到耶和華的聖山,安靜等候,再次經歷神的潔凈、醫治和復興,領受神在山上預備的豐盛恩典。 2.藉著弟兄姐妹同心合意的祈禱,神拆毀肢體之間一切的隔閡,建造美好、合一的團契。 3.因著弟兄姐妹真誠的悔改,神再次潔凈他的教會;藉著弟兄姐妹恆心的呼求,神再次復興他的教會,賜下異象,指引教會當行的路。 願神藉著今年的退修會,復興我們個人、家庭、團契和教會;重新建造合一的團契與教會;賜下異象,挑眾人服事的火,讓TCCC成為一個有行動力的教會!


成人講員:黃力夫(Leaf Huang) 教授,美国北卡大学药学院Fred Eshelman 讲座教授。黄教授曾发表超过500余篇论文,22个专利,并获得Bangham 终身成就奖。他也曾获得2013年美洲药学学会的杰出药学科学家奖。黄教授曾开创6个生物工程公司。他于1984年信主﹐常在各教会及營会中分享主的话语。

青少年講員 Youth Speaker: Larry Lee. Larry accepted Christ while going to college in New York City where he grew up. After his father’s tragic death, he left school to pursue work. While serving in his church’s youth ministry, he got called by God to go into full-time ministry. He quit his job in medical publishing and went to Philadelphia College of Bible. While going to school, he met his love Lily as they served together in church. They married in New Jersey where Larry ministered as an English pastor for a couple of years. He was called to move to Phoenix to be GPC’s first youth pastor in 2001 until he transitioned to the English adult ministry in 2015. Lily and Larry have two teen boys, Nathanael and Isaiah

兒童講員 Children Speakers: Jason Nelsestuen. Jason is working as Extended Care Teacher at Faith Community Academy while pursuing his degree from Grand Canyon University. He has been a Children’s Pastor, Youth Pastor, Assistant Pastor, and a father to 4 boys. He is wonderful at building relationships with the kids on campus and teaches the Bible in his daily life.

註冊報名 (Registration)

  • 報名時間: 5月11日至7月15日 (Registration Period: May 11 to July 15, 2018)

  • 報名費:成人/青少年 $30, 兒童 $15.

  • 費用: 憑感動自由奉獻。聚會成本大約$150/人,僅供參考。(Freewill offering. Estimated cost will be $150/person.)

  • 奉獻支票擡頭請寫TCCC,備註請寫2018年退修會。(Make Offering check payable to TCCC and Memo: 2018 summer Retreat.)

報名方式(To register)

  1. 在教會門庭領取紙制報名表格,填寫後交給邱雯怡或陈倩倩姐妹。如填寫紙制報名表請以家庭為單位,使用同壹張報名表。 Fill in the registration form in church and return it to sisters Wendy or Qianqian. Please use ONE registration form per family unit.

  2. 也可通過網絡——請點擊鏈接報名 or register online at:

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